Supercharge your books with AI

Immerse yourself in a new way of reading: Engage in AI discussions, bring stories to life with animations, listen on-the-go, and boost retention with smart flashcards.

Supercharge your books with AI

Immerse yourself in a new way of reading: Engage in AI discussions, bring stories to life with animations, listen on-the-go, and boost retention with smart flashcards.

Supercharge your books with AI

Immerse yourself in a new way of reading: Engage in AI discussions, bring stories to life with animations, listen on-the-go, and boost retention with smart flashcards.

First 100 customers

Get lifetime access to a new way to read

Get lifetime access to a new way to read

BookPlus will be available in the end of September 2024.

Get a refundable lifetime deal before the launch.


Struggle to grasp complex narratives

Forget what you read

Forget what you read

Limited by your own imagination

Acquire redundant editions for audio and text

Lose your notes and highlights

Lose your notes and highlights


Unlock deeper understanding through AI-assistance

Unlock deeper understanding through AI

Remember what you read with our recall system

Remember what you read with our recall system

Visualize concepts with AI-generated imagery

Every book in your library has audio on demand

Every book has audio on demand

Keep your notes automatically organized

Keep your notes automatically organized

Lifetime access



Elevate Your Reading Experience

Elevate Your Reading Experience

Improve your understanding

Improve your understanding

By being able to ask for explanations, discuss and talk with our AI you'll be able to guarantee you'll understand more of your book.

By being able to ask for explanations, discuss and talk with our AI you'll be able to guarantee you'll understand more of your book.

By being able to ask for explanations, discuss and talk with our AI you'll be able to guarantee you'll understand more of your book.

Visualize the abstract

Visualize the abstract

Transform complex ideas into vivid imagery. Our AI brings challenging concepts to life, enhancing your comprehension and retention.

Transform complex ideas into vivid imagery. Our AI brings challenging concepts to life, enhancing your comprehension and retention.

Transform complex ideas into vivid imagery. Our AI brings challenging concepts to life, enhancing your comprehension and retention.

Effortless Retention

Effortless Retention

Effortless Retention

Your highlights and notes will automatically generate flashcards to help you remember more of what you read

Your highlights and notes will automatically generate flashcards to help you remember more of what you read

Your highlights and notes will automatically generate flashcards to help you remember more of what you read


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an AI chat app?

How does an AI chat app work?

What are the benefits of using an AI chat app?

Can I customize my AI chat app?

How do I integrate an AI chat app into my website or app?

How secure is the user data collected by the AI chat app?

The Future is Now, Old Man.

The Future is Now, Old Man.

BookPlus launches September 2024. Secure your place among the literary elite.

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